What I'm Doing To Protect Myself From The Virus

Boost my immune system:  
- oral/nasal spray: at 40:52 of this interview Dr. Peter McCullough explains how to use betadine or iodine solution to prevent and/or treat COVID 19 https://open.spotify.com/episode/0aZte37vtFTkYT7b0b04Qz?si=005488ae20c04ed8 
Here is the product that I use, called BETADINE Adult Cold Defence Nasal Spray https://www.ebay.com/itm/224561077750
- vitamin D : I have noticed for years now that most people in the world are vitamin D deficient. This is bad because vitamin D is crucial for so many things, including immune system & mental health. Many doctors are now advocating for vitamin D in our fight with Covid-19. Not all vitamin D supplements work, but the Thorne Research liquid form has worked for me, verified by blood tests at my doctor. Also helps with depression, which is why I have been supplementing with vitamin D for so long. Go here for my write up of how I deal with depression. Serioulsy, please go get your blood work done to check your vitamin D level. It could really change your life like it has changed my life.  
- Note: Apparently, vitamin D levels have a lot to do with magnesium. There are different forms of magnesium. I am looking further into this subject now.  
- Here is a good video from Dr. Chris Martenson on vitamin D: https://youtu.be/xIb_wX3Y1AE 
- Plenty of vitamin C. 1000mg/day or more.  
- Chaga mushrooms. Look these up for yourself.  
- regular doses of Zinc: You can get zinc in foods and with supplements. There is also something called an ionophore that helps your cells receive zinc more easily. Turmeric is a natural ionophore. Hydroxychloroquine is a pharmaceutical and I think it's function is as an ionophore, in regards to Covid-19 patients, to help them absorb zinc. Quercetin can also help absorb zinc.  
- In this interview with Joe Rogan, Dr Mark Gordon talks about vitamins to boost your immune system: https://youtu.be/T5_bSHzNdqs    
- probiotics: https://theconversation.com/a-healthy-microbiome-builds-a-strong-immune-system-that-could-help-defeat-covid-19-145668 
- N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): look it up, but as far as I understand, NAC is a good detoxifier. 
- exercise  
- if you are out of shape, get into shape (it seems like the more active you are moving your body the less likely you get severely sick from the this virus)  
- eat as healthy as possible 
- avoid processed sugar (especially corn syrup)  
- sunshine (more vitamin D) 
- avoid alcohol  
- avoid smoking/vaping 
- reduce stress 
- pray (if you believe) 

-  Great & technical Vitamin D & Covid-19 video: 

Ways to prevent spreading Covid-19: 

- if you have a fever or any other symptoms, stay home. If you absolutely have to leave your house, wear a mask to help you from spreading it because you know you are sick. Wearing a mask lets others know you are sick so they can stay away from you. This is one case for people only wearing masks everywhere if they are sick because it lets others know to stay away from them. note: to the dismay of bosses, for decades now, I have called in sick to jobs in the interest in keeping others from catching my illness. I canceled a week of shows on a tour in early 2019 because I became ill while I was on tour and I did not want to get anyone else sick.  
- check the fever of any visitors to your house. Whatever happened to this policy at stores?  
- wash hands frequently, especially when returning home.  
- social distance: 6 feet is what we are told in the USA. 12 feet in public spaces seems reasonable.  
- wear a mask if you believe in that. I am NOT "anti-mask". The science is still out. I'll wear a mask in a store and closed in spaces, especially where it is required. I was the first person to wear a mask at my local grocery store in San Diego. People looked at me like I was crazy, but I was very careful of this virus for the first 3 months, until it became apparent to me that we were over reacting, in some ways. I will not wear a mask in wide open spaces when I'm far away from others. If I am walking on an uncrowded sidewalk, I will not wear my mask, unless I see an elderly person who seems concerned with amask on or some other frail looking person. If I happen to be at an outdoor gathering with lots of people, I would probably wear a mask or a face shield. All this to say, there is a time and place for the masks.  

- I'm skeptical of asymptomatic mask wearing. I believe long periods (more than 30 minutes) of wearing masks can have have negative effects, because it causes people to touch their face more often and I think we expel a lot of toxins (carbon dioxide, bacteria etc.) that should not be kept inside around our mouths for long periods of time. Isn't there an OSHA regulation forbidding people to wear an N-95 mask longer than certain amounts of time? 

- Fauci on asymptomatic transmission:  

- Remember, anytime you want to mask-shame and shout "wear a mask" at someone else, first ask yourself if you are boosting your own immune system/ taking care of your health, optimally. The science is all over the place when it comes to mask benefit vs dangers. We are all dealing with this complex crisis the way we feel is best and shaming is not helpful right now. If someone asks me politely "Do you mind wearing a mask?" I happily oblige. However, the more people shame me about the mask, the more I feel repelled to wear it; I guess it's my stubborn/rebellious nature and I suspect a lot of people feel the same way I do, though they may not feel comfortable admitting it. 

- Again, I will wear a mask anywhere I am asked to, within reason. I usually do not wear a mask at my house with friends, but if I have a visitor who prefers I wear a mask, I will gladly oblige. I will continue to wear a mask until it seems that everyone who wants the vaccine has received it. I will not let the "authorities" move the goal posts and wear the mask indefinitely.  

- Del Bigtree measures the amount of CO2 of a mask wearer: 

- Here medical Dr. Eric Nepute explains the dangers of the overuse of masks: https://youtu.be/jb-GFs4j6tM 

- How accurate are the PCR tests? https://youtu.be/SEWRUnAQpK8 

If you get Covid 19 or are getting symptoms: PLEASE ACT NOW!!!!  

- Continue vitamins from above 
- take even more vitamin C. HIGH DOSES means more than 1000mg!!! I've heard it said that if you can take as much as 10,000mg a day. Vitamin C is almost impossible to overdose on. If you get loose stools then you know you've taken too much. You can also get high intravenous doses of vitamin C.  
- Gargle and drink warm lemon water at first sign. Do this at least 3 times a day, more if possible 
- take elderberry syrup/gummies (contains more zinc & I suspect an ionophore)  
- urine therapy: I don't know much about this, but trustworthy sources have told me it works 
- pray (if you believe) 
- try a drug treatment below. I cannot verify it, but I have heard that vaccines cannot be approved unless there are no known treatments for the illness. This may be why the vaccine companies are hiding the info below: 
- go to the hospital: I'd rather die at home alone, than die alone in a hospital, but not everyone feels this way. It seems like once someone gets on a ventilator there is little chance they will live.   

*note: this section is being challenged by a doctor friend of mine named Dr. Rich Kruger, as none of this information has been "approved" by any of the "powers that be". Dr. Kruger thinks these Ivermectin and Hyroxychloroquine doctors are "quack". Read at your own risk.  

If illness is severe enough contact these doctors for help (I will add more as I get them): 

The Protocol for prevention and EARLY treatment of COVID 19 with Ivermectin is here: 

Here are some links showing the safety of Ivermectin:  

- Alternatives to the injection to prevent illness - Fluvoxamine and Ivermectin:  

This is a unique treatment that uses  budesonide, Ivermectin, Clarithromyc, aspirin  
here is an article about Dr. Richard Bartlett's treatment:  
Video of Rob Dew's testimony here:  

Dr. Pierre Kory pleads for Ivermectin review: 
https://youtu.be/Tq8SXOBy-4w.     Ooops, YouTube has now taken it down. I wonder why? 
It's on Rumble here: https://rumble.com/vbsxih-doctor-pleads-for-review-of-the-data-during-covid-19-senate-hearing.html 
Sorry it's on Fox News (I don't care for any mani stream media), but here is a story about how YouTube deleted the video of Dr Pierre Kory's testimony on Ivermectin:  

Dr Peter McCollough testifies before Texas Senate of his knowledge of alternative therapies available 6 months before the vaccine rollouts and how he was censored/hushed. Other doctors have reported the same. How many lives could have been saved?: https://odysee.com/@nabilinho:4/Peter-McCullough-MD-testifies-to-Texas-Senate-HHS-Committee:e 

One man's success story with early treatment:  

This woman's family had to sue the hospital for the right to use Ivermectin and it saved her life: 

(UPDATE 2/2/21) Ivermectin has been now been allowed for Covid-19 use!!! 
* note: some people question the validity of this article 

Dr. Chris Martenson on Ivermectin & HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine): Dr. Chris Martenson has been one of my favorite channels to watch during this pandemic as he is a medical doctor and he also covers the economy in addition to the virus: 

Dr. Pierre Kory interview about Ivermectin use for Covid-19: 

" Everyone Needs Ivermectin, Even the Vaccinated"  

--- Place to buy medicines online (you can even buy Ivermectin & Hyroxychloroquine on this site):   

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